Journey to the Wild West in the sweeping, sensational epic drama Centennial: The Complete Series! Relive the grand hopes, dreams, loves, and adventures of generations of residents in Centennial, Colorado - from their risky attempts to establish a settlement in 1795 through the politics and power plays of the 20th century. With over 26 TV hours of content on DVD for the first ti...$这部电影试图透露印第安人被屠杀是一小撮极端白人仇恨的结果,不过不可否认印第安人杀人的方式的确令白人胆战心惊;尽管印第安人是土著,但利益争夺过程中杀戮难免。其实奴隶早就存在,黑人作为奴隶贩卖只是延续,并非白人的发明。这部电影里的白人屠夫相信自己得到圣经的启示:在圣经里,上帝曾大肆