In this new three-part series for BBC Two, Dr Thomas Asbridge presents his revelatory account of the Crusades, the 200-year war between Christians and Muslims for control of the Holy Land. The story of the Crusades is remembered as a tale of religious fanaticism and unspeakable violence, but now fresh research, eyewitness testimony, and contemporary evidence from both the Chris...$持续将近两百,断断续续的东征,仅讲了其中三次,还是有点偏笼统了。音乐很大气,有看大片的既视感。$中世纪恐怖分子东征记$拍得不好看,有给十字军强行洗白嫌疑$给五星纯粹是因为小孟哥翻译的缘故$但是文化的冲突也是存在的,非理性的东西的可怕超出人的想象。