A mysterious man, whose name is known as Yeon-woo, comes to the police station to report his wife has gone missing. Yeong-sook, the female detective, investigates the missing case along with Tae-sik. Meanwhile, Yeon-woo’s missing wife is kept in a dark room in a basement. The wicked looking kidnapper’s name is Man-sik. The horrible feeling that she might be murdered climaxes. W...$韩国三级片,女主好丑故事奇差!$卧槽,没有字幕$120.11$[pc]R级,120.2min,无字,又名“失踪:消失的妻子”。犯罪侦察,监禁虐杀,女主有颜,惨叫还行。五段10分钟$女主整形过度,还没有字幕