The Black Parade Is Dead! is a CD/DVD from My Chemical Romance. It is the band's second live album, and was released on June 30, 2008.[1] The DVD features My Chemical Romance's final performance as "The Black Parade" from the Palacio de los Deportes in Mexico City, Mexico on October 7, 2007 and as "My Chemical Romance" from Maxwell's in Hoboken, New Jersey, on October 24, 2007....$去看过这场live的人 我可以和你置换人生吗$封面也太简陋了点儿,这个收的是一小时版本的,还有一个两个多小时的收了两场演出。一直觉得MCR不是那种特别擅长现场的乐队,听一会儿就替Gee感到累得慌,当然到了Danger Days之后改善了不少。The Black Parade的巡演对这支乐队的发展产生了挺深的影响,Mexico场作为最后一场,对于他们来说也是一种解脱吧,Gee大喊的the black parade is dead foreve...$🥺$我爱鸡胃!!!$Such a show man: )