The drama, staged by R&C Productions, follows Antonia, who, after her husband is killed in a car accident, discovers that he had been having a same-sex affair with a man named Michele. The woman will find herself building an unexpected friendship with Michele and his circle of misfit eccentrics. 配乐,画面,人物都很美,😑封面大叔第一集就去世,后面是同妻女主和情人、情人的朋友们的故事。有个同名的电影版$片尾曲Mina-Buttare L’amore$第一集开头和结尾的上帝视角,让我大白天又体验到了在梦里飞的感觉。“爱情就是一场战争”,但是片里的爱情却都那么动人,结尾的最后一句话也很妙,“有时候要讲一个震撼的爱情故事,要用一生来讲完”。 第一次看意语片,罗马真美啊。