A little documentary which simply chronicles the story behind the television series "Mr. Bean" (1989) and the film Bean (1997), released that year. It tells the story of Rowan Atkinson and shows clips of him as a child, as well as shows skits from "Not the Nine O'Clock News" (1979) and "Black Adder, The" (1983) and, of course, sketches from the Mr. Bean series and clips from th...$'He (Mr. Bean) is so simple. I enjoy the simplicity of him and his comedy, and the sort of universal identification that people throughout the world seem to feel for the character. ' said Mr. Atkinso...$好迷人的豆子呀呀〜❤ @油管: http://goo.gl/9tsy0$一部简单到粗陋的纪录片,并未深入挖掘罗温.艾金森这样一位30年一遇的喜剧天才的个性和生活。但能看到罗温的片场实录,看着他们即兴创作,笑得在地上打滚,还是很开心!http://vo.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTkyNzY3OTEy.html