Escaping the past, a man and a woman arrive in LA. They rent a car to travel to Utah, planning to commit suicide together. Crossing the desert, some unknown emotions arise within them both, but everything is doomed to end soon. Is there really no tomorrow for them? 20161009 BIFF$差點沒認出來李陣鬱,留鬍子比較有型啦!國籍模糊感哈哈哈。對人物過去的描寫處理得很一般。配樂很西部,還有才發現柳慧英這麼嬌小可愛。查了才知道導演拍的幾乎都是公路片。導演說是happy ending,也說之後會在韓國上映的。20161008 CGV 센텀시티$两种绝望之下公路相伴,是迷茫也是火光。$求资源,找了半天