The Swedish director Sanna Lenken (Crystal Bear for Min lilla syster, Generation 2015) once again proves her talent for approaching difficult subjects with a light touch. At the centre of her new work is 13-year-old Sascha, who after her mother’s death and father’s ensuing depression decides to look on the bright side of life and become a stand-up comedian. 只是到谷底了 怎么就触底反弹讲好段子没有更明确 但是小女孩太可爱了$水准非常在线的北欧轻喜。几场重头戏都拍得都还挺好,想不哭也挺难,小女主有时候真是让人烦得不行,有时候又挺可怜,情感波动拿捏得很到位,父亲也蛮有意思,去男性气质。主观声音做得挺细,音乐虽多但也恰到好处。能拿两次水晶熊还是蛮厉害的,不过也侧面说明题材比较集中,水平进步不大。虽然跟新冠没啥关系,但说到底丧母创伤难免给人这方面联想,也是片子一个主要的指向和卖点吧。$berlinale$意外的好看!小演员们都太可爱了。最可贵的就在于这部影片真实的情感表达,欢笑,愤怒,沉默,每一种情绪我们自己都很清楚地经历过,就格外感同身受。$觉得自己哭成了一只榴莲,在口罩下面裂开了