王牌飞行员Aces High(1976)



又名:血染长天少壮魂 / 碧血长空争霸战

主演:马尔科姆·麦克道威尔 克里斯托弗·普卢默 西蒙·沃德 彼得·弗斯 约翰·吉尔古德 特瑞沃·霍华德 理查德·约翰逊 雷·米兰德 蒂姆·皮戈特-史密斯 

导演:杰克·高德 / 编剧:Howard Barker/R·C·谢里夫 R.C. Sherriff




A naive young officer straight from school arrives on the Western front to fight the air war against the Germans. However, the life expectancy of green pilots is not very good.
so only one week, not two weeks like Crawford said…didn't expect Gresham would be the survivor…forbidden from parachutes…I like Uncle and really don't want him to die, every squadron needs someone nic... so only one week, not two weeks like Crawford said…didn't expect Gresham would be the survivor…forbidden from parachutes…I like Uncle and really don't want him to die, every squadron needs someone nicknamed Uncle…good boys always die fast…so others came and had to die too… (展开)$RFC和Luftstreitkräfte相愛相殺。。去battlefield找被擊落的德國飛行員回squadron玩那裡超好玩的(算了,不劇透太多,自己看吧。。最愛這種幼稚鬼。。POW? 呵呵。。// 現在發現BE越來越難cope。。。難受。。$malcolm的演技真的不是只局限于坏角色,这部电影里的他演一个受人崇拜的偶像,非常有信服力,PS:mal说话的腔调真让人喜欢,~~$人物塑造


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