In this exploration of grief, Elyse is a story of a woman with mental illness. To the outside world, Elyse Bridges is beautiful, intelligent, and affluent; by contrast, internally, she's rapidly deteriorating. Memory and hallucination intertwine revealing the painful truth: Elyse is catatonic and confined to a State Psychiatric Hospital.
前半段的黑白红,看得我妄想症也快出现了$片子没啥意思$傻逼一样的一切的电影,导演作为安东尼霍普金斯的老婆会让我觉得您是不是想把老头儿熬死然后分他遗产呢??但是另一方面霍普金斯自己在那儿给电影又搭戏又吹萨克斯又作曲貌似也乐在其中。整个制作就是一个大型好莱坞虚伪现场,可以稍微搜索一下工作人员就可以知道阵容是多么的豪华,同时也可以知道,这些人如果想凑合的话能干出多么low的事儿来。piece of fucking dog shiiiiiiiiiiit,去你...