N is crossing the desert to reach the north of Africa and make an illegal crossing to Europe. After a robbery, he finds himself left alone in Tunisia. Finally, he decides to cross the sea alone towards a European country. He will steal a boat and begin his journey, except that the ship breaks down in the middle of the sea. From that moment on, N will undergo a special and uniqu...$人类的终结是归入大自然,与野生环境融为一体。语言渐渐失去了用途,因为不再需要彼此沟通,只需要有捕猎求生的本能便已足够。这位突尼斯导演的两部剧情长片很有意思,都是同一个主题,彼此有呼应。都是从贴近现实的情景拉开序幕,却逐渐遁入旷野的自然界,描绘人类丧失社会性、重返原始性的逆向过程。这部比之后的《辟邪之咒》更纯粹,撇除了障眼法的神秘主义,让主题更清晰展示观众眼前。$偏向于写实风格的画质,整体3星$突尼斯电影。没有对白。看不懂。$不如叫我们的起点。一个被社会淘汰的人遁入丛林,追溯生物性的人的起点。$只能说太高深,看不懂