I am Beso is a story of a 14 year old boy, whose acquaintances makes us part of a micro world different from everyone's, the spacial vacuum of which is created by the social situation, location, a mix of town and village, where the main characters live. Due to heavy social conditions, the people living in this settlement generally think intrinsically. The script is made up of d...$[想看2014-12-06] 萨拉热窝主竞赛。拍得比较糙,话痨小镇青年片,长镜头拍得也不太讲究,父亲在切尔诺贝利工作过落了一身病(苏联历史遗留问题),哥哥又是个女装大佬还找了男朋友,主角弟弟的日子也不算好过。对格鲁吉亚小镇的环境和青少年群体有着比较准确的把握。