A clever fortune-hunter with a penchant for murder does in his elderly, supposedly rich, wife and manages to get away with it. After an investigation results in a decision of 'accidental death', our crafty killer discovers that his late wife's 'fortune' is not what he thought it was. Driven to find another unsuspecting spouse; he discovers that his new bride, a widow, is no foo...$Dirk Bogarde在餐厅里看健美男子手册是故意的么!$3.5;德克·博加德的表演信手拈来浑然天成,为影片增色不少,出演这种心机魅力男堪称手到擒来;小体量的剧作,但也承载信息满满;三个女性角色的设置有典型意义,但囿于篇幅则交代得较为简短,展开不充分。$表扬博加德撑全场心机渣男,两个女性角色感觉一般。$德克~$没想到男主是《魂断威尼斯》的老者,年轻时那么帅的。演技挺好的,很多微表情。