Director MIchel Drach tells here his own story,when he was a child during WW2.The film is a long flashback;Trintignant plays a director (actually Drach)who wants to transfer a screenplay -see above- to the screen.If my memory serves me,cause it's been a long time since I watched this flick for the last time,present scenes are shot in black and white whereas past sequences are i...$现实和戏中的的转换很巧妙 剪辑不错$闪回、戏中戏的示范打开方式,镜头衔接极为流畅,回溯彩色现时黑白在资源画质不佳的情况下依旧保证了回忆主题的凸显表达。另外,再严肃有表达的影片在拍摄时依旧不过是制片人出品人的一笔生意。$(Trintignant的角色是導演Michel Drach自己)。導演Michel Drach找現實生活中的演員妻子與兒子演出,演自己的媽媽和小時候的自己,黑白代表現在拍電影的心境,彩色則是兒時回憶。接近生活流的戰時描繪VS自然交疊的剪輯。$有点失望 知道导演的想法 但是功力不够啊$戏里戏外的转换可以