As Leo's replacement Thomas Chamberlain arrives Nikki investigates the murders of Rachel Freedman, shot in the head, and her little autistic son Nathan, who was poisoned. Nikki rejects policewoman Anne Burchett's theory that Rachel killed them both but is perturbed when an impostor, claiming to be Rachel's sister, visits the morgue. At the same time the disfigured corpse of Eva...$jp客串凶手$水准依旧。不过小时候父亲不在身边就心理变态?真是无法接受这种低级而推卸责任的设定。难道中国百万留守儿童都是醉饭吗?!!$很棒$继续补番~~$又是混乱过度的一季,没有什么亮眼的表现,灵魂人物走了之后没有凝聚力的工作室,案件也是毫无亮点(对于法证来说),这十七季的警察审查疑犯也是跟片头曲一样没有变化,演员也是越来越没有精彩的演技表现出来了,跟之前有一季同样的剪辑方法又出现了,剪辑的跟悬疑剧一样,食之无味,弃之可惜。