In the aftermath of the Darr mine blast in Pennsylvania (winter 1907), Romanian immigrant cobbler Petru waits for his cousin Pavel's pregnant wife to arrive at their home after the 40 day trip across the Atlantic. A man of few words, Petru is in love with Anna, but he's also the one who needs to break her the news about the recent death of her husband. Petru must make a decisio...$#TIFF13#短片最忌讳就是拍得跟一长片的开头似得,更忌讳是拍得跟一国产电视剧开头似得。这小叔和嫂子不发生点啥真是TMD对不起这23分钟的时长跟观众好吗。好在还算是个时代剧,美工有点意思,摄影就太TMD糙了。