The sudden execution of his mother leaves a deep scar on the psyche of young Prince Yeongsan. When he ascends to the throne, he becomes attracted to a woman based on her resemblance to his mother. She uses his love and mother-fixation as a means to empower herself. She become more tyrannical and mad with power while he slips into insanity. 看的版本是VHS國配,僅有70多分鐘,比韓版VHS整整少了一個多鐘頭。剪輯版刪掉了很多春宮戲和劇情交代,顯得支離破碎。片頭的夜間戲和片中的行刑戲的Cult感讓我想起導演的前作《女哭聲》。臺譯的張祿壽其實就是張綠水呢。$姜受延真的好适合演妖女$姜受延好美,PS资源免费提供$落日红,照宫中,风雨欲来何去从。君王行,臣亦行,只恨人生水长东。一曲琵琶不成调,满胸愁思悲不声。江山代有人才出,唯有一轮红日照长空。$我有两个版本!微信kuaileba668899