A first film as producer/director for the celebrated actress Sachiko Hidari, who plays a leading role herself and can also be seen in Double Suicide at Sonezaki in this year's Festival. Ms. Hidari was born in 1930, and worked as a teacher of music and gymnastics before signing with the independent Sogo Geijutsu company as an actress in 1952. Her first significant appearances we...$左幸子意义上的“第一部电影”,日本电视台铁路专题放送此片,聚焦底层铁路工作者的艰苦与无奈,被时代所裹挟或抛弃的人生,试图通过电影来表达政治与情感的诉求。想到今村昌平「昆虫记」左幸子饰演的女主,可能受其影响,但又有别于对人性的拷问。$电影整体上比较散漫,涉及到了很多社会议题,从劳动组织、铁路变迁到军舰岛。还入围了柏林金熊,导演处女作成绩斐然。$日版DVD$剧情不錯!已收藏