In a documentary about Samuel Fuller, the spectator gets different impressions about the Hollywood director and his films. The film is divided into the three sections: The Typewriter, the Rifle and the Movie Camera. The first segment covers Fuller's past as a newsman where he began as a copy boy and ended as a reporter. Part two describes Fuller's experiences in World War II, i...$富勒可谓斯通的先驱,老马大昆白头翁等前来捧场可见其地位。估计在斯通家里大昆不可能像个孩子那样到处翻箱倒柜了。$看完之后觉得自己无比的渺小$"Typewriter, Rifle & Movie Camera",多好的標題!$CC恐怖走廊花絮$我看过最有意思的导演访谈:萨缪尔福勒、马丁斯科塞斯、昆汀塔伦提诺