Sam (Joe Swanberg) has feelings for Juliette (Josephine Decker), the lead actress in a sexually explicit drama centered on a couple's one night stand. He must maintain a professional relationship while directing her. All is going well until Juliette and her co-star Eric (Kent Osborne) develop feelings for each other that they explore off-camera. Sam is happy that his actors hav...$可能有创意,但看起来像是在看拍摄花絮。$就是一AV的拍摄纪实$AV拍摄始末?$3.5 边拍情色场面边天南海北地聊有点莫名可爱,泳池段落音画不同步带来超现实感。Swanberg无论影像质地还是内容构建上都太糙了。$艺术家