This is a story about people in love with cinema, and a country going through its most difficult times. A group of friends, who met sometime ago in a movie theatre, get together to see one of them off to Belgrade. So their journey begins: from personal memories to the remembrance of their country, out of a small dark room to the mystery of Kiev's night. Their last stop - the fa...$影迷们的对话。“那时候我们一天看五部电影”。关于乌克兰,聊电影也会聊到政治环境、文化、还有人。$头半小时三位影迷之间的对话又让我想起李洋说的:迷影的人都是不孤独的,即使他们谈论的是关于乌克兰的政治、历史,关于身份的焦虑和自我认同的问题,仍然可以感受到影迷间交流的巨大愉悦。后半部分几个实验性的超级长镜头及几段老电影片段和片尾趴体的忠实纪录,真正体现片名多重含义。$几个影迷在黑暗中神侃了半个小时,后面黑场、静默,乱七八糟的,字幕组辛苦了$论电影对个人生存的影响。$三星半