French Filmmaker Philippe Diaz, in an illuminating documentary [The End to Poverty?] traces globalisation back 500 years to the Spanish and Portuguese conquests of the Americas. Diaz shows how the colonial North used the South's resources to build its industrial base and how its continued control over resources, global trade and debt rules prevents developing countries from end...$真心看不进去啊~$全球25%的人口消耗掉全球85%的資源,全球經濟學者不願面對的真相$贫困的终结 全球经济学者不愿面对的真相 英皇$探讨了经济殖民带来的贫穷问题,也提出了解决方案,然而要让既得利益的北半球政府实施这些太难了$他的观点很激进but makes sense. (没有兴趣通篇看的人可以选择从1小时15分左右开始)