Plot Summary:Adapted from one of China's most well-known fairy tales, the Goddess of Mount Hua falls in love with a young mortal scholar Liu Yanchang and gives birth to a baby son, Chenxiang. When Chenxiang grows up, he seeks to unravel the mystery surrounding his mother whom he has never met.
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电影开场,眼前就一亮。真没有想到尤敏的古装扮相这么好,真是一个潇洒倜傥佳公子,风度翩翩有情人。 其后,林翠反串沉香,匍一登场,俺就忍不住,直笑了一分半种,这么个活泼灵动的女孩子,扮成个少年公子哥。....