Plot Summary:When Charlie escapes from prison he dons a preacher's clothes. By mistake he becomes the new minister for the town of Devil's Gulch. Later, discovered as the convict, the sheriff takes Charlie to the Mexican border where he can choose to return, a convict, or face Mexican bandits at war with each other.
云出 • 低开高走和高开低走对观影体验影响真的很大
这部电影就是典型的低开高走。 大概前面一半剧情都比较平淡,零星笑点,无甚意韵。加上中间一段教堂剧情,由于文化差异不了解基督教文化的原因看得云里雾里,让我这个卓别林大师的死忠粉都几乎坚持不下去,中途几....