Plot Summary:'Cheyenne' was a reality series on MTV, showcasing adventures of the then up and coming singer songwriter Cheyenne Kimball. It also featured a breakthrough appearance by Garrick Abt, an unexpected dark horse in the series. Garrick, born in 1989, the then little known actor/musician/producer/director went on to have a prolific career writing, directing, and starring in 'The Adventures of Leroy Brown', a well known instagram cult classic. Garrick had a brief, but successful stint with the rap group 'The Associate Press', as Big T Slender The Subterranean Rapscallion, and went on to become Kid Vengeance, a little known underground music producer. Despite a long illustrious career in many areas of the arts, Garrick's whereabouts are currently unknown, although he is rumored to occasionally be seen at open mic stand up nights. However, his comedy career never quite took flight. He has been referred to as the Bill Murray of the late 2000's, and the David Lynch of modern short film making. ...