Plot Summary:Min-woo, a medical student from a wealthy family, runs into Da-hye as he rides his bicycle on campus. At first Da-hye dislikes Min-woo, but thanks to help from his charismatic friend Hyeon-tae, he grows closer to Da-hye and the two fall deeply in love. But happiness would not last long. Min-woo's business goes belly-up, and then he learns his birth mother is a military base-town prostitute. Do disturbed by this all he ends up in jail. Meanwhile, Da-hye grows more dependent on Hyeon-tae, and Hyeon-tae gets caught between his friendship for Min-woo and his love for Da-hye.
L&M&爱你长久 • 关于这部电影!
其实,对这部电影,我并没有看太懂。 看见只有1个人评论说是“悲情的言情”,在我看来不是这样。 故事挺简单,主要围绕2男1女铺展开来(还有1女,不能忽略,但也不很重要....),青春、爱情、家庭、莫名...