Plot Summary:The story focuses on three sisters. The eldest is an overly serious woman troubled by an affair, the second is a top hostess with a lively personality, and the youngest is a popular actress. The three lead very different lives with their own problems.
山川貞子微博死 • 一人分飾三角——又見鄰家「游離子」
wyman曾給王菲度身打造過一首『一人分飾兩角』寫得諧趣 聽得卻也笑中有淚起來 畢竟做個單細胞動物總長壽長情一點吧 現如今鄰家小妮子樣的yuriko一肩擔起三角 唏噓嗟歎之餘 一氣看完五話 看到某些人...