Plot Summary:Each of the four separate episodes -rather independent chapters- presents some of the findings of Egyptology, largely in the form of realistically presented docudrama, a splendid spectacle by peplum-standards, yet unusually true and hence surprising for non-specialist viewers in various details. Remarkable is the revealed contrast between the image-building clichés presented by the official, mostly monumental sources, glorifying deified pharaohs' glorious reign and triumphs and 'celestial' deities, and the more mundane reality, deduced largely from other archaeological findings, showing more human vices, misery, crime...
Anakin • 把古埃及“拍活了”:丰富,生动,高水准
对相关历史感兴趣就不可错过的优秀古埃及纪录片。 信息量很大,又有很高的娱乐性观赏性,不惜血本地营造出一个可信的古埃及,令人沉浸其中。 首先,很好的概念:把4份真实古文献拍成4个故事,这样拍摄纪录片,首...