Plot Summary:Kerem, who is now a young and extremely popular rock musician, grew up with his little sister, Buse, at his grandfather's farm after losing his parents. The grandpa, an extraordinary inventor, one day comes up with an elixir that enables humans to speak with animals and control their behavior. In order to prevent evil people from obtaining the formula, he keeps it a secret. However, Ökkes, a boy from the same village who has a crush on Buse, knows about the elixir.
坨坨坨坨坨坨坨 • 轻松的喜剧
在电影频道看的,预告分类是家庭伦理,看了才知道是家庭喜剧啊!!轻松搞笑!!有动物有亲情. 电影里的小动物做的也很可爱! 这些动物里有毒舌的吐槽鬼,有机灵古怪的,还有憨厚可爱的,各种性格都有. 路边蠢萌...