Love in the 21st Century(1999)

主演:雷·史蒂文森 / 科林·法瑞尔 / 艾恩·格拉法德 / 

导演:谢雷·福克森 / Matthew Evans / 编剧:保罗·艾伯特 Paul Abbott/凯瑟琳·约翰逊 Catherine Johnson


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Love in the 21st Century:剧情介绍

酷云影视为您提供1999年由雷·史蒂文森 科林·法瑞尔 艾恩·格拉法德 主演,谢雷·福克森Matthew Evans导演的《Love in the 21st Century》影视在线观看,《Love in the 21st Century》百度云网盘资源以及《Love in the 21st Century》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Love in the 21st Century》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Six part series filmed around Manchester all looking at 6 different relationships. From the women who desperately wants a baby, to a couple who fantasise. Some excellent acting and intriguing stories. All episodes have discreet humour in them, and make gripping watching.
Plot Summary:As sex becomes less of a taboo in the new century, relationships get more diverse, but love is still a complicated thing that tests various couples in this drama.
