Maybe Sunshine Season 1(2015)

主演:莉萨•哈默 / 

导演:Levi Wilson / 


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Maybe Sunshine Season 1:剧情介绍

酷云影视为您提供2015年由莉萨•哈默 主演,Levi Wilson导演的《Maybe Sunshine Season 1》/原名《》影视在线观看,《Maybe Sunshine Season 1》百度云网盘资源以及《Maybe Sunshine Season 1》高清mp4迅雷下载,《Maybe Sunshine Season 1》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

Plot Summary:Maybe Sunshine is a \"coming-of-middle age\" story about an aging rock queen who builds a new band (Radiana) from scratch after the disastrous break-up of her last band a decade earlier. She must learn how to tweet, text, twerk, hash-tag and trend, just to keep up with the new kids. She has to start from scratch, playing out crappy gigs, dealing with nymphomaniac, drug addict band mates, a quirky Colombian manager with 5 jobs, his mysterious bodyguard/translator, a Pee Vampire, debauched frienemies, a depressed male gigolo, a coke-head record label executive that uses bands as tax write-offs, vapid models, clueless heiresses, stalkers, gawkers and shysters. She must do all this while navigating the new world of older ladydom; like peeing when she sneezes, getting winded from one flight of stairs, amassing as much weight as she does debt, managing her sagging assets, and worst of all: facing her own irrelevance. Lisa handles her new reality with all the grumpiness and sarcasm of a Gen X crusty goth-punk, managing to piss off or alienate everyone she meets.
