Plot Summary:After a successful run in Boston with Karen in the lead, "Bombshell" seems destined for Broadway, making Karen a Broadway superstar. As such, Karen is now part of the show's power team, and, based on advice she gets from Broadway star Veronica Moore, she can make whatever requests she wants to protect the material. Despite most of the cast and crew being automatically rehired for the Broadway run, Karen has the power to dismiss Ivy, who not only tried whatever she could to thwart Karen's success, but was also the reason for her break up with Dev. Ivy, in turn, does whatever she can to secure her place in the show. The road to Broadway may not be a totally smooth one as Eileen's personal life takes its toll on her professional life. Meanwhile, Julia, who has not read the reviews, is unaware that her contributions were the one heavily criticized area of the show. But she and Frank try to repair their marriage following Julia's affair, which may continue to preoccupy her thoughts.
徒手拆高达 • 艾薇幸福就好……
估计是第一季凯伦太扶不上墙,艾薇更适合显而易见,不得已给凯伦单独开个福利副本,一帮二流货色组团刷存在,还顺便拐走我德瑞克。吉米和阿娜的音色简直是施工现场级别的…… 这种校园祭级别的剧怎么就百老汇了、....