Plot Summary:After the revolution in 1979, Iran prohibited the depiction of men and women touching on the silver screen. Since then, directors have relied on every cinematic trick in the book to mirror the ecstatic release of tension through touch - but often it is the game of glances that is enough to set a scene ablaze. Nazarbazi collages these saturated cinematic moments into a poem about love and desire in Iranian film, that also echoes our own time of physical distancing.
#IFFR51# Ammodo Tiger Short Competition-金虎奖。“关于伊朗电影中的爱情和欲望的诗”,片名Nazarbazi意思是“the play of glances”,“带着镣铐跳舞”的伊朗电影里欲望段落的混剪——foundfootage混剪(导演credit也是“a collage by”)能做到这样真是叹为观止,影像、声音、文本(画面上的诗句)各自都有庞大的资料工作。用到了很多实验电影的技巧(放大、变形、重复等等)。