Plot Summary:Jeong-ho is castrated by an ambitious minister for loving above his station. The minister also happens to be the father of Ja-ok, the girl Jeong-ho loved. He sends his daughter to the king as a concubine in a bid to gain favor, but the king sees through his motives and the instead forces Ja-ok into the position of a lowly kitchen maid. Jeong-ho sole hope in life is to save his former lover.
jacktung • 朝鮮王朝后宮的恩怨情仇
劇情概述: 家道中落的官宦貴族子弟徐鎮浩(安聖基飾)和尚書金上潘的女兒金紫玉(李美淑飾)彼此相愛,但是礙於門戶相差懸殊,金尚書反對二人交往,硬是拆散這對苦命鴛鴦,金父隨後將紫玉進貢后宮以增加自身的政治...