Plot Summary:In the year 2141, Japan successfully builds a basic time machine that can send data to the past. However, an evil organization further develops the technology, making it possible to send objects back in time as well. The organization begins a plan to send 5 terrorists back to the year 2012 in order to assassinate the ancestor of an important person from their time. The future government, alerted to this fact, uses its time machine to notify the government of 2012 about the plot, telling them to recruit 5 people in order to seek out the terrorists.
歡喜禪 • 简介汉化翻译
2141年,时光机开发竞争以日本胜利告终。能够超越被称为不可能的时空的装置的开发成功了。但那个装置能连接的只有「过去」。而且,能发送的只有「数据」…。 也就是说,将文字信息转换成数字信号,可以向过去的...