Plot Summary:Weinan returns to China after being expelled from school in the UK, following his fathers advice he enrolls to a local university in Shanghai as a part-time student. Without much understanding of Chinese society and the way of life, Weinan chooses Sociology as his major subject and he is assigned to write a report based on the modern Chinese life. Weinan decides to write about his own father who is the dean of the university.
Love-光影清浅 • 《旁听生》:让男主打一场华丽的酱油
下午在曲阳图书馆三楼放映厅放映了《旁听生》,看前没有做任何影片攻略,仅从个人看片经验来讲,很像一部学生作品。 影片讲述了从英国留学归来(因飙车被校...