Plot Summary:Woody Woodpecker is a stable boy. The stables are located right in an airfield, and the sound of airplanes droning around only fuels his lust to fly. "I want to fly like the birds!" declares the woodpecker. But the only thing the bulldog sergeant on the airfield feels Woody is competent for is clipping the horses with an electric clipper. And considering that Woody accidentally allows the clipper to clip off the sarge's shirt buttons and a long strip of hair off his chin, he may be giving Woody too much credit. Nevertheless, Woody spends his time reading "How to Fly a Plane from the Ground Up." And eventually, he sneaks onto a PU-2.
霁月轩客 • 《扑克王》:一个人的死,造就一群人的节日
《扑克王》:一个人的死,造就一群人的节日 @霁月轩客 为了维护新闻的真实性,记者对当下发生的事情应采取不干涉的态度,除非出于人道主义的救援。罗伯特•卡帕用相机拍下西班牙战士中弹倒下的一瞬间,...