Plot Summary:Over a slice of chocolate cake, a mother (Yuh Jung Youn) and daughter (Jung Yu-mi) tensely discuss the good-for-nothing relative whose money troubles have brought them to the seaside town of Mohang. For now they have nothing to do but wait, so the younger woman, Mihye, composes a list of goals for her involuntary vacation - a list which she seems to fulfill almost accidentally, as she and her mother wander, eat, drink, and meet with fate, here in the form of a clumsily flirtatious film director (Joon-Sang Yoo).
狄飞惊 • 报仇
从前,张勇陪着母亲在乡村生活,放牛砍柴,砍柴放牛,一活就是十八年。 这天,母亲将其叫到跟前,儿呀,如今你已长大成人,是时候告诉你咱家的秘密了,其实你是名门之后,你身上肩负着血海深仇。 十八年前,“天....