Plot Summary:Sam-po is a gambler living without concern for how his wife will manage their houselhold without his earning money. In order to get food and provisions, his wife An-hyeob, sleeps with various merchants in the village. One of the few men she does not sleep with, a lustful servant named Sam-dol, decides to reveal her activities to her husband for revenge.
L&M&爱你长久 • 一个乡村美女的艰难生活
李美淑, 那时候还太年轻, 太青涩, 没有多少味道, 有的只是青春和鲜活. 其实算不上色情, 就是实实在在的艰难的生活, 这种艰难从她小时候就开始了, 贯穿始终. 她在电影里叫: 安玄烁. 名字起的很...