Plot Summary:This is the story of the evolution of the town Centennial, Colorado. It follows the paths of dozens of people who come to the area for many reasons: money, freedom, or crime. It also shows the bigoted treatment of the Native Indians by the advancing U.S. colonists. It is topped off with a murder mystery that takes one hundred years to solve.
ambrose • 1860年的美国西部
很可能在1860年美国的西部活一辈子比现在的生活还要有意思: 这部电影试图透露印第安人被屠杀是一小撮极端白人仇恨的结果,不过不可否认印第安人杀人的方式的确令白人胆战心惊;尽管印第安人是土著,但利益争...