Plot Summary:Davey Fenwick leaves his mining village on a university scholarship intent on returning to better support the miners against the owners. But he falls in love with Jenny who gets him to marry her and return home as local schoolteacher before finishing his degree. Davey finds he is ill-at-ease in his role, the more so when he realises Jenny still loves her former boyfriend. When he finds that his father and the other miners are going to have to continue working on a possibly deadly coal seam he decides to act.
Michael Redgrave + Margaret Lockwood,繼《貴婦失蹤記》再合作。斷裂感較強,前1/3直視礦坑、工會、罷工等讓人想起30s英國紀錄片傳統與英國憤怒青年電影的題材,頗為驚艷;中間1/3因主角太蠢為愛盲目跟渣女結婚(書呆不懂人情世故啊⋯),有點愛情cliche亂入甚至喧賓奪主;後1/3因礦坑淹水重返寫實題材的張力,可是愛情線反而旁置了。看Michael Redgrave怎麼仿口音。困境中的男性,反英雄面刻畫。Michael Redgrave通常鄙視電影,推崇舞台表演,可是他是社會主義者,對演出此片感到驕傲;Carol Reed稱之為a gloomy little piece,斷絕關係,希望票房慘敗,殊不知戰爭時期的英國觀眾很捧場。XD