Plot Summary:After leading a relatively sheltered life in private school up to this point in his life, fastidious and straight-laced briefcase-carrying Will Mackenzie faces a new reality when, following his parents' split, he is forced to attend public school for the first time in his life in his senior year. He sees it somewhat as an opportunity to insert himself among the popular kids, which he was not at private school. However, out of circumstance, he ends up in a social circle of four who are neither the social outcasts, but are nowhere near being popular. He and his new friends get into one misadventure after another in their inbetweener status. Jay Cartwright is the big talker, whose friends know his stories of sexual conquests are all made-up fantasy. Neil Sutherland is clueless to things happening around him. And Simon Cooper, who becomes Will's best friend, often makes bad choices in his primary mission to get Carly D'Amato, a childhood friend and one of the popular kids, to be his ...
娃娃Joy • 还有比这个更好的人生么
想尽办法不升学,在流弊的招数上花尽心思。 1为了追校花我向爸妈要了一辆车。你永远想不到那车长得像奥拓一样,衬着出租车的颜色。车还有音响设备:磁带机!!!! 2你知道林肯怎么死掉的么?1865年,...