


类型:动画 / 短片 /  地区:中国大陆  年份:2023 

清华大学美术学院信息艺术设计系2023届本科生毕业设计作品   少年时,在上学的路上拼命奔跑,在乡间田野里挥汗如雨;   少年时,握过镰刀,拿过铅笔;   少年时,牵着牛绳,捧着书本;   为了对于家庭的责任,也为了心中的梦想……   When he was a child, he ran fast on the his way to school and sweat like rain on   the grass;   When he was a child, he held a sickle and also a pencil;   When he was a child, he held a cow's rope and held a book;   For his duty to his family, but also for his goals.