电视台的监制阿南(曾志伟 饰)一直郁郁不得志,虽然才华横溢,但是由于不善交际,做的都是一些冷门时段的节目。这日,他在一个公众场合偶遇了过气歌手阿Ken(吴镇宇 饰),发现阿Ken想方设法都想上台献唱。看着阿Ken的古怪举动,阿南突然有了一个想法,发现了一条可以帮助二人成功的道路。阿南向阿Ken提出成为他的独家代理人,并帮他重新包装,保证他一定能咸鱼翻身。原来,阿南的计划就是让Kenny装疯卖傻,全力吸引传媒的视线,为了能再次踏上舞台,阿Ken答应了。 果然如阿南所料,Kenny的疯癫行为引来了大批传媒,他也迅速走红。此时,电视台为了能让Kenny来上节目,只好满足阿南的要求,将他调到热门时段的节目让他大展拳脚。正当这对伙伴的事业一帆风顺时,一个艰难的抉择却摆在了阿南面前。Nam is a small-time radio producer eager to be hottest producer in town. Nam promotes washed-up singer Kenny to gain public awareness and support. Kenny's loony stunts and bizarre diva-like behavior make him the talk of the town, and with Nam in tow, the two dominate the airwaves. They're called upon to host a countdown show. However, before the show goes on air, program manager Yiu asks that either Kenny be removed from the program or Nam will lose his job.