一辆载有核子武器及致命的核废料的火车,突然间在落矶山脉下失去控制,离开正常轨道,一路疾行向科罗拉多州的丹佛市冲去,眼看一场核子浩劫即将爆发,危机能否化解?最新迷你影集「核爆列车」全长四小时,由电影「接触未来」男主角劳勃洛伊领衔主演,在剧中他饰演国家运输安全会调查员约翰斯格,为阻止这辆失控的火车,他藉由直升机降至火车顶,同时,美国总统宣布全国进入警备状态,而丹佛的市民,当中包括斯格的妻儿,则准备撤离。虽然斯格不畏生命危险,尽了最大的努力,火车依旧撞上山壁,导致车上的化学易燃物爆炸,更危及的是火势即将延烧到核子炸弹,受困其中的斯格,费尽千辛万苦,终于在核弹爆炸前找到自己的家人,一同生死与共。A waste disposal company has a Russian nuclear bomb to transport, and an employee decides to save money by concealing it on a freight train. The train, also loaded with hazardous and flammable chemicals, suffers a brake failure and becomes a runaway heading for Denver. A wreck would be bad enough, but much, much worse if the bomb goes off. A heroic NTSB investigator boards the train; he and the railwaymen try various ways to stop the train, but nothing works. Meanwhile Denver residents are struggling to collect their families and then leave town, despite rioters and gridlock. Will the train have to be derailed to stop it? If it does derail, will the bomb explode, and if it does, what then?