一位默默无闻的女画家,目击了一名男子被火车撞死的情形。报馆的摄影师,和负责采访的记者被派到事故现场进行报道。摄影师刚发现自己患了癌症,画家则刚刚失去了父亲,而陌生人的死亡使他们走到了一起。记者则刚发现当助产士的女友意外怀孕。因为与性格不合的前妻当年也是奉子成婚,他竟摆出一副冷淡的态度对待女友。与主角一样,一对配角同样面对着威胁,不过却是来自新生命的威胁……On a Friday after a horrific train crash, three newsmen in Adelaide must take stock: Nick, a photojournalist, learns he has cancer; Andy, a writer with two children who has a bad relationship with his ex, learns his girlfriend Anna is pregnant; Phil, an editor, realizes he's missing his children's growing up. That afternoon, Meryl, an artist who illustrates sympathy cards and constantly imagines disasters, witnesses a train accident kill a man. At the crash site, she meets Nick, and a relationship flowers over the next three days which makes them both question their lives, wants and needs. Nick's mother, Andy's kids and ex, the dead man's girlfriend, the driver of the train, and his son round out an ensemble of grief and sorrow as each character becomes linked to another through the train accident. Can decisions to act bring hope?