故事发生在昭和年代初期,一座偏远而又宁静的小镇内,居住着一个名叫富子(小岭丽奈 饰)的女孩。富子是一名公共汽车售票员,每天都搭上同一辆车,走着同一条路线。循规蹈矩周而复始的生活让富子的内心十分苦闷,她对生活和工作厌倦至极。 某日,富子的同事艳子死于一场事故之中,然而据传言说,艳子的死并非意外,她的未婚夫新高(浅野忠信 饰)有着神秘的过去,很可能是一名连环杀手。这些非日常的事件让富子内心惴惴不安。没过多久,富子所在的公交公司里来了一个名叫新高的司机,联想到之前的传闻,富子对新高充满了恐惧,却也充满了好奇。Tomiko is a conductor in a rural bus driven by the handsome Niitaka. Tomiko had received a letter from her best friend Tsuyako, a conductor in another bus company, just after Tsuyako was killed in a bus accident. Tsuyako wrote that she felt that her fiance and driver, Niitaka, planned to kill her. Tomiko therefore plans to take revenge on Niitaka. However Tomiko falls in love with Niitaka, even though she also suspects him of being the Tokyo bus driver serial killer, who killed his female conductors after tiring of them.