(呢呢@追新番原创翻译 转载请注明出处) 政府和民间共同呼吁“工作方式改革”。然而,仅仅依靠缩减工时和提高效率无法解决的,是“职场人群真实存在的烦恼”。让许多人伤透脑筋的,其实是职场上待人处事的问题。为这群人指引光明的新型救世主应运而生。 这位救世主就是派遣员工的场中(杉咲花 饰)。工作时总是笑眯眯的中其实有一个不为人知的秘密——拥有看透他人一切心思的超能力。她能运用占卜,从根本上解决身边正式员工的烦恼。21-year-old Ataru Matoba begins work for an event company as a temp staff, who has no working experience. She seems to be mysterious, as she goes to work wearing a knit hat, sunglasses and a long coat, and she is happy to do anything she was asked to do at work pleasantly. In fact, Ataru Matoba also has special abilities that make her a powerful fortune teller. With her special ability, Ataru Matoba solves troubles of people she works with.