雷恩·拉金(Ryan Larkin)是加拿大著名动画工作者,他所创作的《牧神的午后》、《Walking》、《StreetMusique》至今仍在动画片史上占有重要的地位。然而,正当盛年之时,雷恩遭受来自生活和自身的种种冲击。一方面他不愿再受到评论家的束缚,另一方面也自感灵感的枯竭。昔日的大师沦落街头,成为靠乞讨为生的乞丐。同为电影工作者的克里斯·兰德瑞斯(Chris Landreth)偶遇雷恩,相似的境遇让他决心拍一部关于雷恩的动画纪录片,同时希望这位落魄大师重新出山。雷恩拒绝了他的请求,3年后雷恩逝世…… 本片荣获2005年奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖;2004年戛纳电影节柯达短片奖和青年评论家最佳短片奖;2004年渥太华国际动画片电影节大奖;2004年棕榈泉国际短片电影节评委会最佳动画片奖。Chris Landreth introduces himself to us in a funky restroom and then introduces the film's subject, Ryan Larkin, a brilliant animator in the 1960s and early 1970s. Chris shows us clips of "Walking" and "Street Musique," Ryan's ground-breaking shorts. We now see Ryan as he is: emaciated, alcoholic, much of his mind gone; we meet Felicity Fanjoy, his love during his creative period, and Derek Lamb, his producer. Ryan talks to Chris in the dining hall of what is probably a homeless shelter or soup kitchen. Chris tries an intervention. We follow Ryan out into the street where he panhandles. The animation, which uses live footage, reveals the ravaged burned-out graceful man.