在春天后一百天, 一百万卢旺达难民在massacred 遇到由他 们的头领Hutu 带领一群士兵,并遭到屠杀,使一个非洲小国瞬间变成地狱。野 蛮是在想像力之外。联合国维和士兵是在那里观看。观看但不行动。一个英国的教士和他的年轻随从目睹这一幕,一时间他们的信念, 他们的勇气和心理极限受到极大的冲击, 最后, 他们被迫做出选择,要么留下来要么与难民一起跑。In April 1994, after the airplane of the Hutu President of Rwanda is shot down, the Hutu militias slaughter the Tutsi population. In the Ecole Technique Officielle, the Catholic priest Christopher and the idealistic English teacher Joe Connor lodge two thousand and five hundred Rwandans refugees, under the protection of the Belgian UN force and under siege by Hutu militia. When the Tutsi refugees are abandoned by the UN, they are murdered by the extremist militia.